The winners of the 2016 Hermes Creative Awards were announced recently, and we are happy to report that Businessing Magazine took home a Platinum Award, which is the highest distinction in the competition!
The Hermes Creative Awards is a well-respected international competition open to the designers of websites and traditional marketing and communication materials. Our top-notch design team at Modmacro, Inc. , with whom we have worked since the magazine’s launch, made some changes to the layout of the Businessing Magazine website in the last several months that were well received by the judges at the Hermes Creative Awards.
The Hermes Creative Awards winners are chosen by a panel made up of members of the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), the organization that also sponsors the annual competition. Judging is done a little differently for the Hermes Creative Awards than it is in some other creative competitions in that each entry is judged on an individual basis within the category. (In the case of Businessing Magazine, that would be the E-Zine category.)
We want to thank and congratulate our design team and everyone who works hard to make Businessing Magazine a success!
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