In today’s economy, where the costs of both goods and services are more expensive than ever, people are trying to use their money wisely. Whereas before, someone might pay for a service they needed without asking too many questions or really reading what is included for the fee they are being charged, today, people are wanting to know what they are getting for their money.
At our Long Beach architecture firm, we see this as a good development. We always want our clients to have a crystal clear understanding about our fee structure and what services are included.
Every project we do is unique. Some of our clients want us to just complete the architectural drawings for their project. Others want us to oversee the construction of their building or remodeling project. Some want us to take their plans through the permitting process, while others rely on their general contractors for this.
Interior design is another service we provide that is included in some contracts but not in others. In our office, we have several experienced interior designers who do a great job of putting the finishing touches on our projects. They have a knack for selecting finishes such as flooring, paint, light fixtures, cabinetry, furniture, and other elements and putting them all together in a way that matches our clients’ individual aesthetics. Interior design services can be included in any of our projects.
However, some of our clients already have a preferred interior designer—one they have worked with in the past or who they want to work with on this project due to their reputation and/or portfolio. When a client has someone in mind for interior design, we are more than happy to work with them, or we can simply pass along our drawings to the interior designer once we are finished with the architectural design so he or she can take things from there. We have great relationships with many local interior designers and would never discourage one of our clients from working with someone outside of our firm for the interior design portion of a project.
That being said, there may be other Long Beach architects who feel differently. They may want to control the entire design process and therefore be less enthusiastic about working with an outside interior designer.
Before hiring a Long Beach architect, make sure you know their stance on working with outside designers if that’s something you think you might want to do. If you are expecting your architect to handle the interior design, make sure he or she is experienced in this type of design and actually includes it as part of their service offerings.
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