A great relationship with your financial adviser is a bit like a relationship between partners on an episode of The Amazing Race. The two of you should work as a team, outlining the terrain of your life, plotting your goals and objectives, identifying the obstacles and plans to work around them, and …
Leading Articles and Interviews (category)
When it comes to running a small business, leadership is of the utmost importance. Employees look to you for guidance and to set the tone for your company. Learn more about what it means to be an effective leader with the articles in this section, which cover topics such as employee management, hiring and firing, and team building.
4 Ways to Support the Working Moms in Your Small Business
If you’re a small business owner, you know how vital each member of your staff is to your daily operations—in some ways, your compact, cohesive work unit becomes its own kind of family. You want to keep that work-family unit functioning as efficiently and effectively as possible, and that means …
6 Outdoor Team Building Activities Your Employees Won’t Hate
Going to work doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Sure, the main goal of every business or company is to make money and be successful, but there are plenty of different ways to get there and have enjoyable team building along the way. Contrary to popular opinion, pushing your employees harder …
How to Successfully Organize a Company Retreat
If you are pondering the reason why some companies are more successful than others, then a good place to start would be the employees. MIT’s Human Dynamics Laboratory found that teams that communicate directly with each other as well as the management are much more creative and productive, says an …
Changing Your Focus Can Change Your Life
When I was in college, one of my many jobs was managing a boxing and mixed martial arts studio in West Los Angeles, about a mile away from the UCLA campus. The owner of the studio was a former champion boxer and kickboxer. He taught me what it takes to run a small business—and even more about …
People Driven or Drive People: Choosing the Right Approach to Increase Your Company’s Agility
Organizations are constantly faced with the changes being wrought by our new digital world: everything connected, enormous amounts of data, and practically unlimited computing power. A common prescription is to transform an enterprise into one that’s leaner and more agile. Typically, becoming more …