It can be challenging to secure a regular mortgage if you plan to purchase a home to rent out or flip. It could be even more challenging if your credit score is below the minimum requirement of the typical lender or if you require cash sooner than a lender can supply it. This is when most borrowers …
Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
6 Tricks to Make Money off of Real Estate
Most of us will inherit a family property during our lifetime. Others will purchase real estate as a way of making money. No matter the situation, there are lots of different things you can do with these assets. From flipping homes to renting them, you can earn some extra income from real estate …
Consumer Finance Loans
If you have bad credit, then your options are limited for getting a personal loan, as all traditional lenders will require that you have good credit to get a loan from them. Thankfully, there are different types of consumer finance loans for people with bad credit, but one of the fastest and …
How to Diversify Your Cryptocurrency Portfolio and Limit Risks
With a whopping market capitalization of $2 trillion and some coins climbing by 9 million percent in value in just over 10 years, it’s easy to see why the advent of cryptocurrencies has kicked off a full-scale modern-day gold rush. And yet, while the next Bitcoin is certainly out there, crypto …
How Do I Make up for My Lost Wages until I Get My Settlement?
Getting injured in a car accident is not only painful but also expensive. If you are injured in an accident, you are likely to miss a good deal of work, and it could be a while before you get accident insurance money. Although your health insurance may cover some of the expenses, you will still have …
Everything You Need to Know about Financial Advisors
Financial advisors develop individualized financial plans, give education and guidance, and describe ways to assist clients in achieving their financial goals. For help in these areas, you should work with one. No two financial counselors are the same, just as no two individuals are alike. To …