If you are a business owner, you know that payroll is one of the most crucial aspects of your company. It can be difficult to keep track of all the different regulations and laws surrounding payroll, not to mention calculating employee paychecks correctly. That's where payroll systems come in. …
Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
Holding Companies in the Netherlands
Dutch holding company, or a BV, is a business with the plan to hold stocks of different corporations. However, the goal of a Dutch BV is to end up controlling or absorbing these corporations by acquiring enough of their shares. This allows the Dutch BV to have influence or sometimes even full …
How to Reduce Your Company’s Spend On Construction Projects
As a business owner, you will always want to find ways to reduce costs to improve your bottom line. In construction, this can be tricky because you do not want to make cuts that will impact the quality of your projects or make work harder for your team. So, what are a few of the best ways for a …
5 Ways Businesses Can Maintain Tight Financial Control During Remote Work
Financial control is the framework that helps businesses develop financial responsibility to shape how capital is allocated and spent. However, this means the finance and accounting teams have to have all the correct information on hand at all times. While this was possible in an in-office setup, …
Choosing a Gateway for Accepting Payments in the Online Store
E-commerce continues to grow rapidly in the retail sector. Since the base of potential buyers is ready to pay, our task is to provide all possible payment methods in the online store. So, as a seller, you must be sure that you have provided the consumer with all possible payment methods. A …
How to Value Your Business – The Key Considerations
There’s no doubt that 2021 saw a return to normal in the commercial world, as the value of outward mergers and acquisitions in Q2 peaked at £6 billion. This equated to an increase of £4.3 billion in relation to the previous quarter, suggesting that a larger number of high-value acquisitions and …