If you're a self-employed individual, paying taxes on your income is a little different than if you were employed by someone else. When you're self-employed, you're responsible for filing your own tax returns, and so you should have a better understanding of tax codes than most. For example, …

Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
How to Improve Your Small Business Profit Margins in 2022
Improving the profit margins of your small business doesn't need extreme measures, such as laying off employees or increasing your prices. Even slight changes in a few aspects of your business can increase your bottom line significantly. As a small business owner, you understand that the accurate …
Investing During Wartime: Should You Switch Up Your Approach?
The recent events in Ukraine have shocked the developed and emerging world alike. Russia’s aggressive, and hostile actions have yielded widespread condemnation and threats of repercussions for Russia, the world’s 11th largest economy. Outside Ukrainian borders, the private lives of many have been …
The Important Role of Bad Credit Loans in the UK Economy
Bad credit refers to imperfect credit history. Someone may gain a bad credit history by failing to make payments on credit card bills, utility bills, mobile phone bills, or a mortgage. When a lender notes a missed payment, they will usually report this issue to the UK credit reference agencies …
The Most Important Stock Trading Terms Everyone Should Know
If you are new to the stock market, or if you are just looking to brush up on your knowledge, you’re in the right place. We will provide a glossary of financial trading terms everyone should know. It includes both beginner and experienced traders. By understanding these terms, you can make more …
What are Payroll Systems and How Do They Operate?
If you are a business owner, you know that payroll is one of the most crucial aspects of your company. It can be difficult to keep track of all the different regulations and laws surrounding payroll, not to mention calculating employee paychecks correctly. That's where payroll systems come in. …