Safety is a significant concern in every workplace because unsafe practices can cause harm to employees in addition to costing the company in financial terms. It's better for everyone and for the organization as a whole to follow good safety practices at all times. The problem is getting your …
Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
Reducing the Stress of Moving to a New Home
Moving is as exciting as it is stressful, especially in the middle of a pandemic. A OnePoll done on behalf of North American Van Lines said 45% of people think moving is the most stressful life event. There are the big decisions (such as choosing a mover) and the time-sucking tasks (such as …
3 Tips for a Successful App Launch
Given that we are discussing, a successful app launch, we will be focusing on several crucial aspects of the preproduction, marketing and postproduction processes in particular. Thousands of applications are launched every year across all the four major operating systems, but only a handful of them …
Hit and Miss Accidents: Were You Ghosted on Halloween?
Hit and miss accidents often bring serious damages to road users, much like hit and run car crashes. A hit-and-run accident refers to an incident where the at-fault driver leaves the crash scene without stopping to exchange information with the injured motorist or road user. Unlike a hit-and-run …
Are Men More Likely to Be Killed on the Job?
Men are ten times more likely to be killed at the workplace compared to women. A census report shared by Forbes indicates that in 2017 alone, 4,761 men died on the job in the U.S. compared to 386 women. A 2019 report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that fishing and hunting, logging, …
5 Tips to Increase Small Business Project Management
As a business owner, you shouldn’t think of project management as more work but as a mechanism for working smarter. If project management is done correctly, it can help streamline the proofing process and ensure that work is done on time and on budget. Therefore, you need to ensure that your team …