Business strategy is one of the most important aspects of a company. A business strategy guides every decision, from what products to sell and at what price, to how much money should be spent on marketing and advertising. And while many people think that it's easy enough for a business owner or …
Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
5 Keys to Boosting Customer Loyalty and Retention Today
Most brands heavily rely on a marketing strategy to attract leads. While engaging ads and a strong online presence may attract new clients, this is not a guarantee that they will partner with you indefinitely. Given the vast number of choices in the market, they will not hesitate to look at other …
3 Tips for Optimizing Your Business
Business optimization is a process by which a small, medium, or large company can improve its efficiency and profitability by analyzing its current state and making any necessary changes. Companies that cannot take advantage of streamlined internal processes and marketing opportunities may lose …
Managing Stress as a Working Woman
Whether you're a married family woman, a single mother, or just a gal navigating your way through the stresses of your work and personal life, it's essential to be able to roll with punches and bounce back healthier and stronger than ever. While sometimes this can seem like an impossible …
Can You Make a Good Income from Writing?
It’s 2021 and the world is now more invested in side-hustles than ever before. This generation has found the best ways to use social media and globalization to their advantage, and put their skills to the best use by reaching a global audience from any part of the world. In a world where people …
How to Perform a Strategic Business Analysis: Ultimate Guide
Improvement is a constant factor in any company. It would be best if you improve your organization by conducting a strategic analysis. Strategic analysis refers to researching an organization and its working environment by gathering data to decide its priorities, goals, and long-term strategies. It …