Whether you’ve been let go from your job in recent weeks due to the global pandemic or you simply want to make a change this year, you might be thinking about opening a car dealership. Although people have had a recent period where they drove less than usual, this trend isn’t set to last forever. …
Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
Inventory Management Essentials Every Small Business Needs
It’s an email no small business owner wants to receive: a customer is upset because they received the wrong item in their order, or maybe they didn’t receive their order at all. While these sort of inventory mishaps are fairly common, they can be very stressful for small business owners, especially …
5 Ways to Increase the Value of Your eCommerce Business
Not all entrepreneurs start their business with the goal of selling it, but many of them eventually decide to do so for a number of reasons. The problem is, many successful business owners know their sales and traffic numbers, as well as their growth rate, but a vast majority of them have no clear …
5 Reasons Why Digital Agencies Should Hire Freelancers
Living in the 21st century means perceiving, reflecting upon, and sharing large amounts of information regularly. Just imagine, your brain is being fed 34 Gb of visual, text, and audio content per day, which is more than some iPhone models are capable of storing. With such an enormous workflow, …
Ways to Protect Your Small Business from Hackers
Small businesses are the foundation of the American economy and represent nearly seventy percent of the workforce. Because they are essential to building a strong economy, hackers are constantly looking for flaws in businesses’ protective measures so they can access company information and customer …
Having Sense with Your Small Business Cents
When resources are limited, knowing how to make your money stretch to where you need it is a key point to staying financially afloat. When the success of your business depends on it, being able to make sense of your finances is essential. Having a plan of action for any new venture is a must, and …