There isn’t a more effective way to increase your word-of-mouth referrals than excellent customer service. Your product could be solid, your team might be made up of the most talented people, and your business infrastructure could be fantastic. However, these things alone do not guarantee customer …
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How to Manage without Micromanaging
There's a fine line between managing and micromanaging. On one side is a manager who provides clear direction and allows employees to work autonomously. On the other side is a micromanager who dictates every little detail and insists on being involved in everything. Neither approach is ideal as …
How to Choose the Best BPO Company?
You may be aware that BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. A BPO company is in charge of providing the services needed by other companies to do specific tasks. Some companies need people to provide proper customer service support. Yet, they do not want to hire in-house employees to do that. …
Why Does Every Business Need Effective Customer Loyalty Programs?
A customer loyalty program is a strategy where businesses reward customers for brand engagement and repeat purchases. The tactic is gaining popularity among businesses all over the globe. As per an Accenture study, more than 90 percent of companies in the U.S. have some form of loyalty program in …
How to Establish a Good Line of Contact with Your Customers
When you’re starting up your business, it’s important to have a good line of contact. You don’t want to be difficult to work with, or have only a few friends with you. To make sure your customers will come back for more, it’s important to have a plan that is clear and concise. Here, we will discuss …
Top 7 Tips for Trademark Rebranding
A registered trademark ensures that your business’s recognizable sign or logo legally identifies the products and services of your business. Once registered, that trademark becomes the property of your business. It is only your business that has the right to use that trademark. This matter of …