Staff satisfaction is an integral part of any business’s success because there is a direct correlation between happy employees and happy customers. Not only does keeping staff happy improve your financial bottom line by reducing absenteeism and turnover; it also ensures that your customers …
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Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Virtual Team
Technology continues to evolve and become more popular every day. Virtual teams are becoming a fact of life and management is being forced to adapt. Virtual teams require different management styles than the typical office team. Team members may be across the state, across the country, or even …
Data Analytics for Small Business: An Interview with Rick Jackson of Qlik
Small business owners everywhere are getting in on the analytics game, even those that wouldn't consider themselves "tech savvy". In this interview with Rick Jackson, Vice President of Marketing at Qlik, a leading visual analytics company headquartered in Radnor, Pennsylvania, we asked him …
Welcome Home: Tips for Working From Home
What do you think of when you hear the phrases “home business” or “work from home?” How has that image changed in recent years? In the 21st century, working at home no longer means someone working out of the garage or the spare bedroom until making it big – think Apple, Amazon or Disney. Although …
Becoming a Better Manager Of People
The differences between a mediocre manager and an extraordinary one are many. Depending on the specific managers in question, there are likely to be many differences in style and approach between any individual and the next. But which combination makes for the perfect manager? Keep Striving to Be …
Overhaul your Business Strategy with Agile Training
Professionals are claiming that Agile Training is not only changing their business but it is changing the way their employees are working. Training in business is becoming just as important as other staff benefits such as wages and holiday allowance. Staff which are trained are happier and most …