This article is one in the multi-part series entitled The Entrepreneurial Mindset. Remember the days when your small business was nothing more than a dream? You spent hours, days, weeks, and months getting ready to make the move into self-employment, working sun up to sun down (and then some), in …
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Craft Beer and Your Business
No, I’m not suggesting you start a brewery (necessarily, but if you do, please let me know!) and I’m not suggesting you start drinking lots of craft beer (necessarily, but if you do, please let me know!). What I am suggesting is that there are commonalities we can be proud of as niche-based, small …
How to Market Your Small Business When You Don’t Like to Toot Your Own Horn
Marketing comes easier to some people than it does for others. Take me, for instance. I hate marketing. There. I said it. I don’t mind marketing for other people as I rather enjoy helping small businesses get their name out in the mainstream by providing “content that sells.” But when it comes to …
7 Business Lessons I Learned the Hard Way, So You Don’t Have To
If you’ve read any of my work before, then you know that I left the world of law enforcement to become a self-employed, full-time writer. It hasn’t been the easiest of transitions to make, but I have learned a lot of lessons along the way. Lessons that make me better in business because of …
Giving Christmas Bonuses: 20 Questions to Consider
Call them Christmas bonuses, year-end bonuses, holiday bonuses, New Year bonuses, or whatever fits your culture. At our company, we call them Christmas bonuses. And this year, with a team that’s larger and more diverse than ever, here are the questions I considered when determining how to go about …
How to Find a Reputable Freelance Writer for Your Business
Chances are good that you started your business because you’re good at what you do. Hopefully you love it too, but there is no doubt that you have qualities that help you excel in your particular field, which is why you decided to take the often difficult journey to business ownership and sell your …