There is no debate that an excellent PowerPoint presentation can make a big difference in how the presentation is received. A good PowerPoint has the potential to showcase your business and help you build confidence with employees, clients, and investors, but it will only do so if you know how to …
Business Presentations Articles and Interviews (tag)
5 Good Habits of Tech-Savvy Entrepreneurs
Due to advancements in technology, modern-day entrepreneurs have everything they need to succeed. However, it’s not all about buying expensive gadgets and gizmos, but selecting a few you like and using them properly. So, what are the good habits of tech-savvy entrepreneurs? Read on to find …
Mistakes to Avoid in Speeches and Talks
Having confidence as a public speaker and knowing how to engage an audience are both powerful tools every small business owner should have. A poor presentation or a boring podcast doesn’t just simply reflect on you, it also reflects badly on your business as a whole. Speeches: Failing to Captivate …
5 Key Prep Tips for a Winning Presentation
Business presentations carry hidden traps that, with adequate preparation, can be anticipated and overcome. The good news is that, unlike many business situations that demand public speaking, such as interviews, meetings and networking, a formal presentation allows you complete control and plenty of …
How to Craft an Unforgettable Presentation
Have you ever sat through a presentation that made you want to go back home, put your pajamas back on, and crawl back into bed as you had finally found the cure to the insomnia that has plagued you for months? Or, what about the presentation given by a colleague, co-worker, or some other …
Which Graphics Work Best for Reaching Your Target Audience?
According to Pew Research Center, 28 percent of online adults use Pinterest and 26 percent use Instagram. Additionally, YouTube reports that they currently have over 1 billion users. What these types of statistics tell us is that we are slowly becoming a more visual society in our online experience, …