When I first started my company, it was me in my living room, with a webcam and some beauty supplies. It has now grown into multimillion-dollar company, with a team of 14 women. Here are the top 5 tips that have helped me grow my business and become a better business owner: Hire Your First Employee …
Learning Articles and Interviews (tag)
Three Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read
One trait that unifies all successful entrepreneurs is a never-ending thirst for knowledge. Entrepreneurs are among the most curious people I know, and they have to be. They are constantly learning from their own mistakes, and they’re learning from others around them. There are so many ways to find …
The Learning Doesn’t Stop Here
Starting your own business feels like such a victory. You get to follow your passion, and you get to be the one to create processes and systems that make sense to you. For people who switch from working in the corporate world to becoming a small business owner, it can feel like breaking free into a …