Stop me if you’ve heard this one already: “A book is the new business card!” I’m hearing it everywhere, too, and while that is a true statement in many ways, there is much, much more to the story. Yes, when a new contact you meet asks for your business card and you’re able to point them toward …
Writing a Book Articles and Interviews (tag)
Publish or Perish
Accupressure I walked in to the office of the acupressurist I bring my daughter to each week, and while Barbara at the front desk clicked on her keyboard to update that we were there, I had time to smile, try to look smart, and gaze about at all the many things they had assembled for people at the …
Want to Establish Yourself as an Expert? Write a Book.
The three keys to successful marketing are to get your clients to know, like, and trust you. One way to achieve the third factor—trust—is to establish yourself as an expert in your field. The question is: How do you do that? You can call yourself an expert all day long, telling all of your …