Many students intend to go to a business school or college after graduation as the business industry is very promising. It’s not surprising that so many young minds choose it. One of the criteria for being accepted into business school, though, is to write an MBA application essay, which tells about your academic and personal life. Many youngsters cannot cope with the pressure caused by the importance of this essay. Many of them even hire professional essay writers.
We believe that you can handle any issue using your own knowledge and several great tips. This article offers the tips needed to help you write a successful MBA application essay that will be accepted by an admission committee.
Read Informative Business Websites
It’s vital to read a lot of specified literature relating to business, and thankfully you can find various informative websites that are devoted to the business industry. They cover various topics and some of them may be useful for your MBA application essay. Always take notes to use them in your essay as one never knows when some piece of information may help to write a perfect paper. Therefore, enlarge your knowledge and wisdom before you begin to write the application.
Let Your Consciousness Flow
Many youngsters are afraid that they won’t be able to highlight all their qualities in 500 words. Therefore, you should write out everything that’s on your mind before you write the actual essay. It’s similar to a situation when you write a couple of drafts before you submit it to your teacher. Pour down on the paper all the things that occur to the mind about yourself, your education, or anything else that you think might work in the essay. Afterward, attentively reread it and decide what data is unsuitable or doesn’t help to explain how unique you are. Be selective and leave the best 500 words.
Tell the True Story
You should always be yourself as by doing this, the admission committee will clearly understand who you are. Don’t try to lie about some of your achievements because this data can be easily checked. It’s always better to be honest and stuff your application essay with real-life stories.
It’s also vital to be passionate about the topics in your essay. Mention the most important qualities you have and defining events that have happened in your life. Explain how they made you choose the business industry. Tell why you’ve opted for this particular business school or college. Afterward, convince the members of the admission committee that you’re a worthy candidate.
When you try to convince the committee, don’t write things that tell that you are number one. It’s better to mention why you are unique and fit the chosen institution. You may even demonstrate humor and some vulnerability, or you can mention some weaknesses, but you should never dwell upon them. Its important to focus on your strengths.
Be Concise
Next, it’s vital to be straight to the point and not be wordy in your application. If your text is concise, logical, and readable, you have all the chances of being accepted. You should mention your reasons to choose business or a concrete institution, your academic achievements and awards, your learning qualities, and your personality traits in a clear and concise manner.
You are supposed to logically combine them, but don’t be afraid to add examples that strengthen the value of your words. Choose dynamic words, an active voice, and cut down all the long sentences into shorter chunks.
Edit and Improve
Never send such vital papers unchecked! Some students send papers full of typos and grammar mistakes; others don’t check the name of a business school and mixed it with another one. Such awful mistakes will surely cost you a place in the desired b-school. Therefore, revise your MBA application essay several times.
Apply various methods to receive confident results. These may be reading in your head and aloud, reviewing the text from the last line to the first line, or asking others to read or listen to your essay. Besides, you shouldn’t ignore the resourcefulness of checking apps. Many of them instantly detect grammar, spelling, lexical, and stylistic mistakes. Thus, you have the chance to fix them before you send in a final draft of your application.
Some Mistakes to Avoid
If you want to succeed with an MBA application essay, you should review it from all angles. Don’t look only at the things you must do while applying MBA programs online. Consider some mistakes, you must avoid. There are certain mistakes many applicants make and they are as follows: making excuses, making generalizations, straying from the purpose of the essay, using jargon or slang, cramming too many topics into the essay, overusing passive constructions, and exceeding the recommended length.
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