You’ve got physical mail! Direct mailing campaigns are not a thing of the past and are still going strong.
Sending out direct mailing to consumers is still a great way to attract new customers to your business. It can also be effective in reconnecting with past customers. In creating a direct mailing campaign, there are a few simple rules to follow that can help you create a more effective strategy.
Do: Use Professional Design Services
Unless you’re highly skilled in graphic design, it will benefit you to hire an artist to help you create visual art for your mailers. A talented artist will create art with professional quality, and that will catch the eye of anyone reading one of your mailers. Your graphic artist can also help you create unique images that you can copyright and use exclusively in your mailers. They can also help you create or redesign your brand’s logo to make it more appealing.
Do: Keep it Simple
As you create your first few mailers, try to keep your content simple and concise. Make it clear that the purpose of your mailer is to sell your products. Use bold lettering to highlight your brand’s name and the products that you want to sell. If you plan to include coupons for in-store discounts, be sure those are featured on the first page of the mailer. You’ll want to make sure the important information is the easiest for your recipients to find when looking at the mailer. Later, as the recipients become familiar with your format, you can get more creative.
Do: Target Specific Demographics Groups
You can use the data analytics you gather from online sources to identify the key demographic groups interested in your products. Once you identify your key demographic groups, you can obtain mailing lists that provide contact information for consumers within those groups. This type of targeted marketing will ensure that you get a better response from your direct mailing campaign. From there, a USPS address verification service can help you verify the mailing addresses for consumers in those demographic groups. This will help you ensure the right consumers are receiving your mailers the first time around.
Don’t: Assume Consumers Know Your Brand
As a small business owner, it’s never a good idea to assume consumers will recognize your brand. It’s safer to assume each consumer receiving your mailer will be unfamiliar with your company and its products. Make sure your brand logo is prominently displayed in each mailer. It may also be helpful to share information about your brand in the mailers you send out to help consumers learn more about your business. Emphasizing your brand’s logo, philosophy, and values in every mailer will help your customers become more familiar with your brand. It will also introduce your brand to other consumers when you add recipients to your mailing list. While this may seem repetitive, it’s the best way to breed familiarity with your brand.
Don’t: Reuse the Same Materials
Sending out the same mailer more than once is going to do more harm than you realize, which is why each direct mail campaign should be unique and creative. First, a consumer who receives the same material more than once is unlikely to open future mailers from the same sender. However, keeping it original will help you maintain consumer interest in your mailers. Secondly, each coupon or free gift offer should have a unique code. This will help you determine which mailer was the most effective in generating sales.
Don’t: Send Out Poor Quality Content
When you send out mailers that exhibit poor quality, your recipients will simply think it’s more of the same junk mail they get each day. Be sure you use a good quality of paper and ink in printing out your mailers. You should also ensure your printer or printing service can print out your graphics in high definition. A sleeker look will be more effective in capturing the attention of the consumers receiving your mailers.
An advantage of launching a direct mailing campaign is that you can do most of the work yourself. Writing skills and access to a graphic designer are the basic tools you’ll need to create direct mail campaigns that will help you grow your business. From there, a process of trial and error can help you learn what works best in creating an influential mailer. This strategy will help you get better results from future direct mailing campaigns.
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