Have you ever wondered why companies in certain industries publish their prices online, while others don’t? Typically, companies that sell products post their prices, while service-based companies tend not to. It’s not that service companies are trying to hide something from potential customers, but rather, that different customers require different levels of service, and most of the time, the company won’t know what type of service the customer needs until they meet with them to discuss details.
Replacement window companies are a good example of this. Very few reputable replacement window companies in San Diego post their prices online, even though many potential customers are looking for this information. The term “replacement window prices” is a very popular Google search, so it would seem like posting prices would benefit a replacement window company by giving potential customers the information they’re looking for.
However, Michal Bohm, owner of BM Windows in San Diego, says publishing replacement window prices online is not a great idea. He explains, “There are so many factors involved in the pricing of replacement windows and doors. We need to know the sizes of each window and door, the styles the homeowner wants (double hung, casement, picture, etc.), and any added features they are hoping for (added UV protection, sound suppression technology, upgraded locking hardware, etc.). We also sell several different brands and lines of windows, which all start at different price points. If we were to give an estimate over the phone, it would include such a huge range that it would make the numbers almost useless to the homeowner.”
Bohm continued, “We totally understand that some people just want a ballpark to know if they can even afford to take on this type of home improvement project right now, but we still highly encourage homeowners to schedule an in-home consultation with someone from our team in order to get an accurate estimate.”
Bohm says that homeowners should be very cautious if they see a San Diego window company that lists their prices online or that has some sort of pricing tool, like a price calculator, on their website. These numbers tend to not be very accurate. Once the homeowner gets an actual quote from the company, the prices will likely change—and most likely increase. Homeowners should be aware of this, especially if they see language like, “replacement windows starting at X amount.” The actual price can go up substantially from the starting price, unless the homeowner is truly looking for the simplest, cheapest, smallest windows available.
According to Bohm, “A reputable replacement window company in San Diego will be happy to come to your home, take measurements, and go over all the options with you in order to provide you with an accurate estimate on replacement windows and doors. In this industry, we understand that some people are just price shopping, and that’s OK. It’s just a part of doing business.”
To learn more about replacement windows in San Diego or to schedule an appointment with someone from the BM Windows team, visit their website: https://www.bmwindowsca.com/
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