Businessing Magazine has now officially been in operation for a year—and what a year it’s been! We launched the magazine in July 2014, and readership has steadily grown since then.
Some highlights of the past year include the 2014 Food Truck Design Awards, which were very popular with readers, and fun for the staff here at Businessing as well; assembling a diverse group of more than 20 writers, hailing from all over the country, who offer their own areas of expertise to the content we serve on Businessing Magazine; and arranging a partnership with Monday Morning Radio, a popular business podcast, to feature their audio interviews on our site (which you can access them here.)
The original reason we started Businessing was because we felt an important audience was being virtually ignored by the larger digital business publications, who were focusing on topics that were largely irrelevant to the small business owner. Businessing Magazine caters to that otherwise unserved audience of small business owners—especially the ones who often wear several hats to keep their businesses running (CEO, Human Resources Director, Marketing Manager, Bookkeeper, etc.). Businessing Editor-in-chief Matt Smith expounded on his reasons for starting the magazine in a radio interview with Dean Rotbart back in October, which you can listen to here.
We hope Businessing Magazine is a resource you make use of regularly, finding information and inspiration from the content we develop for you. The website is still completely free and includes very little advertising that interrupts your experience. Plus we recently updated the site to greatly improve the user experience on mobile and tablet devices.
We strive to provide content that addresses all areas of running a small business in ways that are relevant and applicable. Visit http://businessingmag.com/subscribe/ to subscribe to Businessing. Subscribers receive a weekly digest of new articles and magazine news.
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