A public notary is not supposed to help their signer choose the type of notarization. This is why it is important to understand the differences between common types of notary services so that duties can be performed properly in your business setting. Below are some of the common instances when a business will need a notary.
Acknowledgments are used to ensure document signers are who they claim to be and are signing the document voluntarily. An acknowledgment is often necessary on documents regarding valuable assets such as mortgages, deeds, and deeds of trust. To find a notary to perform acknowledgments, a signer needs to personally appear before them and be identified or “acknowledged”.
The reason for a jurat is to affirm that the contents of a document a signer is signing are true. It may also be known as verification of oath or verification of affirmation. This will depend on the jurisdiction the document is going to be signed in. Administering the affirmation of oath is a crucial part of a jurat because the signer is confirming the contents of a document are reliably true.
Affirmations and Oaths
In some instances, clients may need a notary who can administer an affirmation or oath verbally. This is done instead of a jurat, written document, or an affidavit. The purpose of these affirmations and oaths is to confirm the client is being truthful about the contents of a document.
Copy Certification
Copy certifications are confirming that copies of original documents are true and accurate copies of the original. There are many documents that may require a copy certification from a notary including driver’s license, contracts, medical records, diplomas, medical records, bills of sale, and Social Security cards. The person who has the original document is known as the document custodian. They are tasked with taking the original document to the public notary.
The notary’s job is to create the copy and confirm it is a true and accurate copy of the original. Not all states allow this notarial act. Check with the guidelines of your state before certifying a copy as true. Some states will stipulate what type of documents you may create true copies of.
Signature Witnessing
Signature witnessing allows a public notary to certify individuals appearing before clients are who they claim to be and their signature is truly theirs. The main difference between an acknowledgment and signature witnessing is that the notary is witness to the signing of the document. The main difference between jurats, affidavits, and verifications of affirmation or oaths from signature witnessing is that the notary will not be administering the oath.
How Businesses Benefit
Many types of businesses can benefit from notary services available to them. Below are some of the more common industries requiring the help of a notary:
- Mortgage and Insurance Companies: When it comes to purchasing a home, there are a lot of legal and binding documents that need to be signed. Notaries are necessary because they are a third party who is unbiased and can identify the signer is knowingly entering the binding agreement.
- Title Companies And Car Dealerships: It does not matter whether car dealerships sell used or new vehicles, the dealership and the buyer will want to protect the investment. Having a notary during this type of transaction can offer legal protection for all involved.
As you can see, businesses in various industries need a variety of notary services to strengthen the agreements they make with clients. Handshakes and verbal agreements will not get a business very far when a disagreement comes about. A notary can offer both parties of an agreement the protection they require.
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