Launch in 5: Take Your Idea from Lightbulb Moment to Profitable Business in Record Time (Nicholas Brealey, Nov. 8, 2022). Learn more at
Will Russell is CEO of Russell Marketing, specializing in e-commerce launch marketing, which has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs validate their ideas and execute successful launches. He has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Crain’s New York, Indiegogo, StartUp Nation and more. His new book is, Are You a Tortoise or a Hare in Your Launch Approach?
Aesop’s fable, The Tortoise and The Hare, tells the tale of a race between a tortoise (a slow and steady mover) and a hare (an animal with explosive speed). You’ve likely heard the story. The hare’s speed makes him arrogant. Confident of winning, he takes a nap midway through the race. When the hare …