If you have a business, one of the goals that you work towards every day is making it grow and become more successful. It is an exciting process that takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and it means that you have to create a strategy for growth and use all of the available technology around you …
Equipping Articles and Interviews (category)
Equipping articles offer you all the information you need to outfit your small business for success by helping you navigate through all of the “stuff” it takes to run a business. The articles here will help you to keep abreast of current technology and guide you in ways to make your place of work more functional and efficient.
Office Safety After Coronavirus: What Office Managers Need To Do Consider With Cleaning, Door Safety and Social Distancing in 2020
For office managers, the Coronavirus pandemic has thrown everything into chaos and left you with many additional tasks to complete. And as the lockdown slowly lifts and offices across the UK begin to reopen, you now face a fresh challenge: safely reopening your workplace. Office workers …
TCL 10L Smartphone Deep Dive Review
The TCL 10L smartphone is set to launch in July 2020. We got a small peak from the company during the CES event 2020 of the new series of smartphones. TCL recently revealed the features and price of the latest smartphones. A few features were about the display size, camera specifications and …
Plants in the Workplace: Could They Slow the Spread of COVID-19?
This article is going to start with a disclaimer. The content here does not, in any way, claim that plants provide any cure or treatment for the deadly and devastating COVID-19 virus strain. The content below is not medical advice. Before we get into the details of this discussion, here are two …
Measuring Technical Debt to Manage It
Years of experience working in finance and technology with small enterprises has shown that business leaders face real challenges managing the technology their companies need to operate effectively and stay competitive. This is especially the case for small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs), which …
Robotic Applications Every Food Packager Should Know About
Packaging is among the most common applications of industrial robots in food manufacturing. This is because in the packaging stage, the nature of the products is uniform so the process of automating the task is simpler. Tasks in the earlier stages, such as the actual food manufacturing process, are …