The rise of outsourcing has forever changed the hiring landscape – but many wonder if it is for better or worse. There are plenty of arguments for and against outsourcing, with most companies finding that it has had an overall positive impact. Specifically, companies are embracing the benefits of …

Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
The Guide to Corporate Gifting
It can be hard enough finding what to gift your mother-in-law, let alone a client you only know at the professional level. Gift giving, however, is a tremendous tool for building lasting relationships with your clients. As Ian Altman wrote in Forbes, “If you’re wondering whether or not you …
Your Business Will Benefit in These 5 Ways by Providing Company Meals
More and more companies are seeing the benefits of offering their employees company meals. This used to be something that was considered a huge waste of money. After all, it’s giving something away for free. In fact, studies have shown that the opposite is true and that companies actually reap …
Consider These 5 Benefits of Embracing Diversity in Your Business
Change happens whether it is planned or not. This phenomena affects everything, from a small household to an entire society, which is something businesses need to pay attention to. The demographics of this country are constantly changing—in terms of political views, religious affiliations, spoken …
Top Tips for Scaling Your Small Business Website in 2018
So, you’re finally climbing the success ladder: you’ve taken your small business online. Well done! Whether you’re photographing exotic locations, selling meatloaves using Grandpa’s old recipe, or hosting small business events – pat yourself on the back. Overcoming the challenge of launching a small …
How Entrepreneurs Can Find Freelancers to Improve Work Productivity
The rise of freelancers working with corporate entities across the world has become an effective way for entrepreneurs to reduce workload for internal employees. Freelancers can dedicate their time to working with other clients without being locked into employment with one company. Entrepreneurs can …