Who am I is not a philosophical question for small business owners - it’s the first step to converting a lead. To prepare to engage with clients and prospects, you have to start with the basics. While some of these essential questions might seem obvious, it is important to lock down your answers …

Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
5 Ways Time Away Can Benefit Your Business
Taking a vacation may seem like the most unproductive thing in the world, but in reality it can be one of the best things you ever did for yourself as well as your business. It is no secret that taking time to unplug and recharge can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. Many do not …
4 Ways to Keep Your Customers Coming Back for More
Let’s face it: If your customer base walked away from you today, your doors would have to shut tomorrow. And as much as you make the day to day decisions about your company, it is your clients that call the real shots as they hold the power. So, you need to make them as happy with you as possible if …
A Hobby, a Job or a Company. Which One are You Building?
I’m always meeting new clients and lately I find myself classifying them into one of these categories. Why? Because it helps me to understand where they are in terms of their business, what type of investment makes sense for them to spend on our marketing services, and frankly, whether we should …
Building a Strong Foundation and Listening to Customers Keep Small Businesses Strong
Advice from AVPA President Matthew Grisafe. Matthew Grisafe, president of AVPA, a Crestron programming company for the audiovisual industry, and author of the small business book Our Code: History, Practices and Process of AVPA, has learned from thirteen years in business, how important it is to …
2 Simple Steps To Excellent Customer Service
For Christmas last year my wife surprised me with the coolest gift – a remote control helicopter. After a short period to charge the batteries, I began the process of learning how to maneuver the tiny craft around the house. I’ll be honest, the learning curve was steeper than I thought and I hit a …