As a small business owner, you are in a great position to offer people in your community the ability to support themselves and their families by providing them with a job. But what happens when the person asking to work for you is someone you know personally? What if it is a family member or …
Search Results for: feed
Interview with Sharon Vinderine on Building an Active Online Community
Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart interviews Sharon Vinderine, Founder of PTPA Media. PTPA, which stands for Parent Tested Parent Approved, is a Canadian-based company that works with companies and entrepreneurs to provide authentic product reviews and help build brand exposure and awareness. …
Maximizing Profits
Maximizing the profitability of your business starts with a well-developed, value based pricing strategy. This is done by creating, understanding and quantifying the value that your product brings to the market. While pricing is one of the four components of the marketing mix (product, promotion, …
Building Trust With Transparency
I often wonder if a business would be more efficient if it were run by children. I know that sounds crazy, but hear me out. Little kids may not be well-versed in complicated business things like accounting practices, inventory control, and supply chains (although I’m not sure these things even have …
Why COLLABORATIVE Meetings Are So Powerful
Think of a regular meeting you look forward to. Now think of a meeting where you often leave feeling frustrated. The difference between the two is likely to depend on the degree of collaboration among the team members. Two teams that I’ve been part of are at opposite ends of the collaboration …
Boost Customer Service With 3 Essential Keys to Marketing Success
I’ve been in businesses where a disgruntled customer has walked out for some reason or another and the response of the customer service representative was something along the lines of, “Take your $50 and spend it elsewhere then! We don’t need it!” (Usually this was muttered under their breath, but …