It’s never easy to be faced with the prospect of selling your business, expanding it by acquiring another one, or signing a huge business deal. The decision you make could make you successful beyond your wildest dreams, or it could turn out to be the worst mistake of your life, financially …
Business Deals Articles and Interviews (tag)
5 Tips That Have Made Me a Better Negotiator When Dealing With New Clients
It wasn’t until I started to work for myself that I realized how much negotiations are a part of the business world. Now it seems like I’m involved in some type of give and take almost every day as I work with new clients in an effort to set project prices and parameters that make it a win/win for …
Beware of the Desperate (and the Hungry)
Jerry Seinfeld used to tell a joke about the dining experience people have. He explained how when you're first seated in the restaurant you look at the menu, thinking about how hungry you are getting excited about all the options. Inevitably you order more than you need and have a wonderful meal. …