There’s nothing wrong with being in debt if you’re using the borrowed money to finance a business. As long as you make timely payments, you can keep yourself from going underwater and being hit with a civil lawsuit from creditors and lenders. However, not all businesses do well in managing their …
Business Debt Articles and Interviews (tag)
6 Strategies You Need as a Startup to Stop You from Sinking into Debt
Occasionally businesses find themselves on the wrong course. Some organizations just need someone to step in and make significant choices to change direction—whether it's due to a poor strategy, inept staff, or even a number of tiny faults that drag down the whole operation. With that in mind, …
Debt Consolidation Loans Singapore: Answers to Common Questions
If you are reeling under the burden of high-interest debts in Singapore, one of the best solutions is debt consolidation. But how does it work? Debt consolidation combines multiple debts, mainly high-interest debts but especially credit card-related bills, into a single monthly payment. Because it …
Top 7 Finance Tips Entrepreneurs and New Business Owners Should Know About
If you’re an entrepreneur or have recently started your own small business, you may be wondering what you need to know to ensure a solid financial foundation for yourself and your company. Strong financial management skills can potentially make all the difference in your business’s success and can …
How to Manage Financial Risk for Your Business
As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your business is well fortified against heightened financial risk, but there are numerous elements which can jeopardize the standing of the business, such as poor record-keeping, the unbalanced distribution of supplier risk, and failing to …
How to Build a Resilient Business That Withstands Crises
With the onset of COVID and its economic consequences, businesses and enterprises from all sectors of business are having to rethink their strategies as well as how to continue daily operations. Focusing on crisis preparedness is challenging even when things are going well, and much more …