When it comes to managing God's money, churches need to demonstrate financial stewardship, which is Christianese for managing money in a way that honors God. Creating a church budget is the primary way to show the church is serious about how it's investing its financial resources to accomplish the …
church budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
Debt and the Church Budget
Imagine that there is a group who obeyed God's call and planted a church in a growing suburban area. This fledgling church held its first meeting in a living room, then graduated to the community clubhouse and eventually began meeting in an elementary school auditorium. Church attendance grew, as …
Church Budget and Overtime Pay
When it comes to building church budgets, compensation is a recurring theme of confusion, interest, and opinion. Questions range from how much is too much for a church to invest in compensation to whether churches are exempt from local, state, and federal regulations to best practices to budgeting …
Church Budgeting Basics
When I was in high school, we had a course in driver education, including bookwork, simulators, and behind-the-wheel training. That means four students and the instructor piled into the car and learned to navigate a vehicle, many for the first time. Sure, some students were a little better than …
The Church Budget and Lasting Ministry
Ministry is hard. Much, much harder than I imagined when I left the IT profession in 2006. Like anyone starting a new career in ministry, I had all kinds of ideas, expectations, and hopes for a smooth, bright future of helping people find and follow Jesus. During my tenure, I witnessed a church …
Generosity and the Church Budget
It's highly unlikely that the instructor for a class specifically designed for aerospace engineers to develop the next generation of space exploration vehicles would use marine biology terminology to make their point. Probably because it's doubtful that epibiota will produce innovative ideas on …