Our church purchased and occupied a 54,000-square-foot industrial building in 2004 that we still call "home" today. It was such an exciting time filled with joy and anticipation. Everything was fresh and new - paint, carpet, chairs, sound system, lighting, decor, and even people. Yes, our attendance …
church budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
Church Budgeting – Utilities
I am the proud father of two independent, strong, self-sufficient, intelligent young women. Both of them have graduated college and are moving forward in their chosen profession, and I imagine that having me as their father must have been challenging for my daughters at times. Not only was I a …
Retirement Planning in Church Budgets
Like harbingers of doom, it seems every news outlet finds great delight in reporting on the impact of the downturn in the market. Here are a few recent highlights from US News & World Report: The S&P 500 is down almost 20%; Per the latest April 2022, the CPI (consumer price index) …
Church Budget – Staffing Levels
It's late May, which means a few things are about to happen in Southern California; school is about to end, summer weather is starting to rear its head, and budget season is kicking off at my church. Yes, our fiscal year officially runs October through September, but I have a pre-budget …
Does Your Church Have A Pre-Budget Routine?
As I approach a tee box, I start by looking for a flat spot with few divots. You'd be surprised how many tee boxes slant. I tee my ball up to the appropriate height, depending on the club I'm going to use, then I stand directly behind the ball, imagining my ball flight and where I want the ball to …
5 Post-Pandemic Church Budget Tips
I was just a kid, but I remember when the first astronauts landed on the moon and how much I wanted to be an astronaut. I was around in the 1970s to see the gas shortage and waiting in line to get gas, but that's okay because there was some fantastic music back then. I recall the rise of the …