More so than other non-profit organizations, churches rely on trust. Trust is why people are willing to give up their most precious resources, time, and money, to pursue a shared purpose. When the congregation trusts its leadership, they feel safe and confident in their decisions. When trust is …
church budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
3 Ways to Show Gratitude to those Funding the Church Budget
It's no secret that the benefits of gratitude are many. These benefits range from improved physical and psychological health, better sleep, and self-esteem. But, according to Forbes magazine, it also can open the door to increased relationships. To unleash this powerful tool in your church, try …
Valued Associates when Building a Church Budget
January is a busy time for those serving in the church's financial arena. There are several deadlines to hit before the end of the month: donation statements, W-2's, 1099's, 941's, etc. The loan covenant with my church also requires us to submit the annual budget, a list of the officers, and a …
Tools to Create a Church Budget
My house was built in 1988. Not quite old enough to designate my tract home as a historic landmark, but it is well on its way. Like everyone else in my neighborhood, we accept renovations as a necessary part of homeownership. A few months ago, my wife and I finally decided to address the issues in …
The Role of the Financial Advisory Team When Crafting a Church Budget
We started taking our daughters camping and hiking when they were young. There is something about wandering through nature that speaks to our souls, allowing us to marvel at God's creation. At first, our young girls did not need to bring water or snacks; it would have been a burden they could not …
Church Budget Categories – Outreach
When I started posting on church budgets, my primary goal was to help other churches that might benefit from my experience. I really want to share the information that I wished I knew when I started this journey back in 2006. That's why I provide opinions based on my experience and facts, not …