As I approach a tee box, I start by looking for a flat spot with few divots. You'd be surprised how many tee boxes slant. I tee my ball up to the appropriate height, depending on the club I'm going to use, then I stand directly behind the ball, imagining my ball flight and where I want the ball to …
church budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
5 Post-Pandemic Church Budget Tips
I was just a kid, but I remember when the first astronauts landed on the moon and how much I wanted to be an astronaut. I was around in the 1970s to see the gas shortage and waiting in line to get gas, but that's okay because there was some fantastic music back then. I recall the rise of the …
How Pay Types Impact a Church Budget
Unlike many large corporations and big businesses, most churches do not have the luxury of a Human Resources expert on staff. But, I believe that Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it." And when it comes to paying people, depending upon the state you …
Summer Giving Slump Ideas to Increase the Church Budget
When I think of Summer, I think about the kids being out of school, warm weather, more daylight to get things done (or have fun), hiking, hanging out with friends by the pool, lake, or ocean, and vacation. But, as the overseer of the finances of a church, I also think about how all those factors …
3 Tips to Building a Church Budget During Times of Inflation
At this point, it does not matter if you are running a small business, giant organization, personal finances, or a church; it is impossible to ignore that costs keep going up. And not just the cost of non-essential or luxury items, essential goods like utilities, groceries, housing, clothes, and …
Can Your Church Budget Survive Your Worst Quarter?
A fiscal year is a 12-month period businesses use for financial reporting and budgeting. Using a fiscal year is a common way to prepare financial statements. Our church begins its fiscal year in October and ends in September, just like the Federal Government. There are advantages of operating the …