SARS-CoV-2, also known as the coronavirus or COVID-19, caught the world off gaurd in early 2020. As world leaders and health experts tried to work together to find a strategy to contain it, it raged on. More than two years later, it's no secret that the ripple effect of the COIVD-19 pandemic went …
church budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
Surprising Ways to Increase the Church Budget
In the 1946 Frank Capra film, It's a Wonderful Life, when Uncle Billy loses the $8,000 deposit, it causes George Bailey to lose hope. In the movie, God sends Clarence, George's guardian angel, down to earth to help restore his hope. In their first encounter, George asks Clarence if he has …
Top 5 Church Budget Mistakes
Do you know why computers have the option to select Undo (Ctrl-Z)? Why pencils have erasers? And, if you're old-school, why a product to blot out ink from a pen or typewriter called whiteout exist? Because we are not perfect. If you've made a mistake, welcome to the human race. The good news is that …
The Problem I have with Dave Ramsey’s Zero-Based Budget
Heresy! How can someone in the Christian financial world dare go against Dave Ramsey? Before you grab the pitchforks and torches to storm the castle, let me explain. In 2012 our church did not offer formal financial counseling. When someone needed help, I invested my time and helped them figure out …
Top 3 Ways to Build Trust through the Church Budget
More so than other non-profit organizations, churches rely on trust. Trust is why people are willing to give up their most precious resources, time, and money, to pursue a shared purpose. When the congregation trusts its leadership, they feel safe and confident in their decisions. When trust is …
3 Ways to Show Gratitude to those Funding the Church Budget
It's no secret that the benefits of gratitude are many. These benefits range from improved physical and psychological health, better sleep, and self-esteem. But, according to Forbes magazine, it also can open the door to increased relationships. To unleash this powerful tool in your church, try …