A budget is one thing successful businesses have in common. It doesn't matter if it's a large corporation, a small family-owned business, a non-profit, or a church; a budget is the plan that allocates the projected income to accomplish the mission. Not creating a budget is the kind of fiscal …
church budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
The Importance of the Church Budget
October is a busy time for church financial personnel. The church is heading into the most productive quarter of the year - October, November, and December. While the ministry teams are busy planning ways to reach new people and connect the church family, the financial teams (paid and volunteer) are …
How Positive Pay Can Help Fight Fraud At Your Church
A recent report that surveyed over 500 treasury practitioners by AFP (The Association of Financial Professionals) provides some sobering news - fraud attempts in 2023 were up 15% over 2022. Even more disheartening, 30% of the organizations victimized by fraud were unsuccessful in recovering their …
Church Benevolence Fund Best Practices
People falling into financial crisis is nothing new. I remember all too well starting my career in full-time ministry in 2006, and less than two years later, the Great Recession hit. As the Pastor overseeing the finances, I assure you the volume of requests for financial aid caught us off guard. We …
A Simple Donor Analysis To Reveal Giving Trends at Your Church or Nonprofit
We all do it. We report our thoughts and information from our observations or second-hand information, often without any actual facts or data. While anecdotal information may fit the bias of the person reporting it, when it comes to running a small business or non-profit, it's best to use facts. For …
Ways to Offset the Downward Giving Trend in Churches
Around 54 AD, that is almost 2,000 years ago, the Apostle Paul wrote his second letter to the church in Corinth. It's a master class in encouraging the church toward generosity. Paul used examples of others, like the less affluent people from Macedonia, who demonstrated unrestrained generosity and …