Your contracting business may have started small, but as you’ve taken on more work, you’ve realized your pressing need to scale and hire on other contractors, or even become a contracting agency. While growing your business is an exciting prospect, it can also be a daunting task to learn how to …
Goal Setting Articles and Interviews (tag)
3 Success Tips for Solopreneurs that Are Somewhat Counterintuitive
This year I feel more motivated than ever to not just run my business, but to take it as far as it (and I) can physically go. Maybe even a little further. Not that I haven’t had similar goals in the past, because I have. This year, they just feel more intense. Like I’ve somehow found this ball of …
5 Eco-friendly Changes All Businesses Should Consider Implementing
It is up to us all to make changes that help our planet. It is being polluted with toxic gases and climate change issues are worsening. As well as playing our part as individuals, businesses can make a huge difference. Here are five eco-friendly changes all businesses should consider …
Make Your Vision Statement Relevant
“A vision helps to inspire and capture aspiration and assist people in overcoming the inherent incohesion associated in moving away from the familiar.” So wrote Benjamin and Rosamund Stone Zander in their excellent book The Art of Possibility. Yet, most organizations’ vision statements do the …
Business Building Blocks: How To Write A Business Plan
When you are first starting out in a new industry or niche, it can be easy to neglect some essential things while focusing on brainstorming and creativity. However, at some point in the early stages, it is imperative that you put some of your ambitious plans on paper. Constructing a business plan is …
How to Manage Your Money Better
We live in a society that is built on capitalism, and this system will not function properly without money. People have to work in order to enjoy what life has to offer. But even those who do tend to have a lot of money problems. There are certain things which can help you with having better …