Early on in my career, I dreaded the idea of a performance evaluation. Everything about it made me nervous. And despite the fact that I often share my experiences through articles like this one, I am not fond of writing out my accomplishments or reliving my shortcomings, especially for my supervisor …
Human Resources Articles and Interviews (tag)
Church Staff Termination: Performance Issues
When I hear a common phrase, I often wonder where it originated. Such is the case for "experience is the best teacher." While many modern writers and speakers frequently use this phrase, its attribution belongs to Julius Ceasar. Like most leaders, I found the truth in this statement the hard way. I …
How to Recruit Innovative Talent for Your Startup
Human resources are essential when it comes to establishing and growing any business. However, there are so many prospects looking for jobs, but not all these job seekers qualify as top talent. If you are looking for the most ideal talent for your brand, you should take steps to recruit and retain …
Onboarding Church Staff
Over the last year, our church experienced more than typical staff turnover, so we've hired more people than usual. As the Executive Pastor of Operations, I oversee all of the Human Resources for our church. Early on in my time on the church staff, onboarding consisted of ensuring that the new hire …
What Is an Adverse Action?
There are many different terms in both the business and credit world, especially where they intersect. Sadly, while many terms are regularly thrown around, not many people are eager to explain what the various terms mean. Today we hope to address some of the confusion we regularly see in the context …
3 Services You Should be Outsourcing
Are you trying to save money at your business? It will be up to you to do all in your power to keep your operating costs as low as possible. The fear of a hulking overhead should be a spur to action in this regard. You can do your part to keep costs low by making a few key outsourcing decisions. …