Aside from payroll, renting, leasing or buying office space is often one of the larger expenses a company incurs. As with any large business expense, it is helpful to re-evaluate it every so often to make sure your money is being well-spent for what you are getting in return. If your office space is …
Office Setup Articles and Interviews (tag)
Is it Time to Leave the Nest? How to Know When it is Time to Move your Small Business From Your Home to Another Space
Did you know that more than half of all small businesses are home-based? Home can be a great place to launch a company. You save on rent and utilities, and you can often organize your work around family commitments. Thanks to the flexibility the Internet provides, many small businesses can …
One-time Office Essentials That Are (or Nearly Are) Obsolete
Recently, I was surprised to find a new phone book delivered to my home. “What’s that?” my son asked, intrigued at the idea of a book for looking up addresses and phone numbers. Indeed, a phone book has become a dinosaur. When was the last time you used a phone book? If you are having trouble …
Would You Benefit From Using a Workspace?
Traditional offices are slowly becoming obsolete as more and more people are relying on workspaces to tend to all of their business needs. What are workspaces? I wondered the same thing. That is, until I interviewed Daniel Haberman, President of Byte & Mortar, a boutique workspace in Metro …
Office Ergonomics: Is Your Current Setup Helping or Hurting Your Health?
According to the United States Department of Labor, “Work related MSDs [musculoskeletal disorders] (including those of the neck, upper extremities and low back) are one of the leading causes of lost workday injury and illness.” Furthermore, no one is exempt from enduring these types of injuries, not …