If you have too much stuff at home, and yet you don’t want to throw anything away, you should put your stuff in storage. However, if you are going to put your stuff in storage, you should make sure that you pack your stuff properly. Leaving your belongings loose will leave them open for theft, or …
Security Articles and Interviews (tag)
Top Tips to Improve Business Security
Business owners have a lot of responsibilities. You have to consider the budget for your business, branding, marketing, hiring, long-term strategy, short-term strategy, yearly goals, and so much more. However, among all of those many responsibilities, it's absolutely vital not to overlook the …
Five Ways to Make Your Employees More Security Minded
There are a lot of things you have to do to make your workplace safer. You do it to keep your business safe, you do it to keep yourself safe, but you also do it to keep your employees safe. Unfortunately, your employees don’t always see it that way. Many safety protocols can seem like more trouble …
What Is a B2G Business Model?
B2G stands for “business-to-government,” which means that instead of a company selling goods or services to individual consumers or other businesses, they sell to the government or other public entities. Usually, they have access to restricted areas that anyone outside of the government or military …
5 Security Features that a Business’s Online Network Needs
If your business uses an online network, security is tremendously important. Whether you have individuals logging in from remote locations or a single, centralized one, without various security safeguards in place, hackers can access your network. They might take that opportunity to crash it, or …
Small Business Servers 101: What to Consider
Today, businesses can't operate seamlessly without the automation of core functions. With the increasing size and complexity of operations, companies can't afford to forgo state-of-the-art technological innovations. As a result, servers come in handy to support businesses with a host of functions. A …