You started your business with great hope for the future in front of you, but somewhere along the line, it all went wrong. Your finances are a mess, and you might even be teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. What you need to do is reevaluate your business and its finances fast and make some serious …
Small Business Budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
9 Creative, Budget-Friendly Ways to Advertise Your Business
Statista reports that, from 2011 to 2015, businesses in the U.S. spent more than $863 billion total in advertising-related expenses. Furthermore, these costs increase around $10 billion annually, which just goes to show that getting your name, products, and services out there can take a huge chunk …
How to Choose a Commercial Property for Your Business: An Infographic
Choosing the right commercial space is a huge endeavor for any small business. You want the perfect location, with adequate space, and of course, at a price that won't break the bank. The infographic below, submitted by John Harrison of Hones Lawyers, is a helpful tool that simplifies the commercial …
For Fledgling Businesses, the Best Things Are Not Free
The best things in life may be free, but the same cannot be said for business. All businesses, no matter the size, are conscious of the need to keep costs low and revenue high. But there are times when money well spent becomes an investment in the vitality and longevity of your business, and money …
Saving Money on Business Travel
Doing your due diligence before booking a hotel helps to make business travel more profitable and less stressful. Think about your needs, from data to ground transportation, and make smart decisions that keep you focused on the work you need to do and the relationships you need to build. Research …
5 Money Management Tips for Your New Small Business
There is nothing more exciting than making that first sale or obtaining that first client for your new small business. After all your hard work, your “baby” is off and running. To keep that momentum going, however, you need to put some clear money management practices into action. Here are five tips …