Benjamin Franklin is supposed to have said, "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." The IRS collected nearly $263.6 billion in income tax, before refunds, from businesses in FY 2020. As a business owner, did you know that you may be leaving thousands of dollars …
Taxes Articles and Interviews (tag)
Facts about Bookkeeping for Small Businesses
From taxation to profit and loss analysis, bookkeeping is an essential activity irrespective of business size. While giant businesses employ professional services such as, small businesses often neglect this aspect and bear the brunt. If you are a business owner who is clueless …
How to Sue the IRS: An Explanation of Tax Litigation
You probably paid so many taxes during your life that you’re sick of them. You’re not alone. Nobody likes to see how much of their income goes to taxes, but it’s just how things go. You might even think about suing the IRS. Can you do this? Well, suing the IRS seems like a hopeless case, but it is a …
How to Work on Your Payroll Faster and More Efficiently
Payroll is one of the crucial parts of any business, regardless of size and industry. However, it’s also one of the most stressful and time-consuming tasks since there are many factors to consider. In addition, the process is made even more complex by the taxes and other fees you need to transfer …
Tips to Remember When Starting a Small Business
There are few things as exciting as starting your own small business. Whether it be a lifelong dream or something you just recently started considering with the extra time you’ve had during the pandemic, a startup has the potential to truly change your life. However, all the good intentions you have …
Why You Must Pay Attention to Your Employee’s Payroll
Payroll management can be challenging to achieve efficiently and effectively, yet it is also something that business owners and decision-makers need to take seriously. If you are unconvinced by the importance of the payroll, here are just a few reasons that taking heed of it will save you a lot …