Tax season is just around the corner and if you run your own business, you’d better get prepared. Business taxes can get complicated and there are a lot of misconceptions going around that make them seem like a non-issue. The fact is that the government has very strict tax regulations that don’t …
Taxes Articles and Interviews (tag)
7 Ways to Kill Your Home Based Business
Whenever someone asks what I do for a living and I tell them that I work from home as a freelance writer, the response is generally somewhere along the lines of: “Wow! That must be nice to work from home. I wish I could do that!” While I agree that there are a lot of perks to having a home based …
How to Take Charge of Your Business Receipt Process
For many business owners, tax time feels like a big interruption to normal business operations. Imagine that you’re driving down the road and you’re pull over. Being pulled over increases your travel time, and it will take you a few minutes to get back on the road and up to speed …
5 Ways to Sink Your New Small Business
No one starts a business just to fail. Yet, if you look at data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics regarding new business survival rates, you quickly realize that your probability of staying open continues to decline over time, with the sharpest drops occurring within the first three …
The Need For Professional Tax Planners For Small Business
TaxSlayer performed a Tax IQ survey for tax preparation attitudes and perceived tax preparation abilities by Americans, and some interesting results came out of it. 28% of individuals would rather go without a cell phone or car for a week instead of having to face the task of tax preparation. 53% …
5 Things First-time Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Startup Finances
In theory, a sustainable business is one that makes more money than it spends. The problem with this oversimplified view lies in the fact that it assumes that you start from zero. This is not the case with most startups that have to get in debt to even launch. Aside from this, the ways in which you …