There may come a time in your life when applying for a loan is the only feasible way to finance something. Perhaps you’re looking to buy a house or start a business – both of which generally require loans for funding. Applying for a loan is a fairly straightforward task, but there’s no guarantee …
Work-Life Balance Articles and Interviews (tag)
Changing Your Focus Can Change Your Life
When I was in college, one of my many jobs was managing a boxing and mixed martial arts studio in West Los Angeles, about a mile away from the UCLA campus. The owner of the studio was a former champion boxer and kickboxer. He taught me what it takes to run a small business—and even more about …
5 Eco-friendly Changes All Businesses Should Consider Implementing
It is up to us all to make changes that help our planet. It is being polluted with toxic gases and climate change issues are worsening. As well as playing our part as individuals, businesses can make a huge difference. Here are five eco-friendly changes all businesses should consider …
How to Let Mindfulness Transform Your Attitude This Holiday Season
End of year deadlines that coincide with the holiday season add another layer of stress to the busy workplace. Not only does the holiday break shorten the work month, you then add in staff events and employees’ focus on holiday travel and plans, and it’s even harder to keep people on task. As an …
5 Reasons to Hire a Lawyer
It is highly unlikely that you will get through life without having to engage the services of a lawyer. Luckily, there are lawyers out there who specialize in every aspect of the law. So whether you need a quality car accident lawyer or an experienced adoption lawyer, there is someone out …
Fun Ideas for Adding Holiday Spirit to the Workplace
For many people, holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Fourth of July mean a break from work and time spent relaxing with family and friends. However, many professions involve working through the holiday seasons, which can be demoralizing and demotivating for staff. There are six …