As an entrepreneurial mom, do you ever feel like you have to choose between keeping your business running smoothly and spending quality time with your kids? Our own data suggests business owner moms often face this dilemma. We recently carried out a survey of entrepreneurial moms and nearly eight in …
Work-Life Balance Articles and Interviews (tag)
Switching Gears: From Career Setback to Starting Your Own Business
Whether you’ve lost your job, are underemployed, or were passed over for an important promotion, weathering a career setback can be incredibly stressful. However, career speed bumps also present an exciting opportunity: they allow you to refocus your efforts and pursue a business that truly excites …
Staying Healthy When Your Work Keeps You at a Screen Most of the Day
It crept up on me slowly. It started with a few aches and pains when I woke up in the morning. Then it turned into some occasional stiffness throughout the day. However, it really caught my attention early last winter when I actually yelped in pain as I attempted to look over my shoulder to make a …
New to Running Your Own Business? Advice from Small Business Owners
I remember when I got out of law enforcement and started my own freelance writing business. It was a big move, but one that I made because I moved from Michigan to California and wanted a career that I would enjoy that’d also enable me to work from anywhere since my husband was likely going to be …
How to Boost Your Productivity While Working From Home
When you decided to work from home, it’s likely you were drawn to the flexibility and the independence it provides. You can set your own schedule, perhaps working nights and weekends for a big project one week and then sleeping in the next day or two. You can take a break when you want, allowing …
Is Job-Related Stress Hurting Your Health?
Before you read one more word, I want you to take a really deep breath. Take air into your lungs as slowly as you can, breathing in through your nose, hold your breath for a count of four, then exhale slowly through your mouth until you feel like you can’t breathe out any more. Now do this four more …