Writing is an essential skill that all children should have before they become college or university student where they’re expected to do various writing tasks, like analytical essays, book reviews, research papers, and hopefully, at the end of their college life, a dissertation. However, writing becomes terribly stressful and tedious for almost all students.
Struggling with lots of coursework and overwhelming feelings, some students decide to use an essay writer to do their homework, which costs a lot. However, to save money, they choose cheapest essay writing services that probably don’t provide the needed quality and will earn them low grades.
If you’re a parent, have you ever thought of why your child doesn’t like writing? Well, it’s because they’ve never learned to write professionally. Teachers expect them to write assignments, but they never teach them how to write like a pro. Thus, as parents, it’s your job to help your child develop their writing skills at an early age to boost their chances of future success. Here are some tips on how to help your child to write like a pro.
Start with Basic Writing Skills
Before your child starts writing essays, they should have a good grasp of writing basics, including grammar rules, vocabulary, and spelling. They should learn the basics of writing slowly, so you can’t teach them overnight, and never start teaching the basic concepts as if they’re participating in a class. You should correct them anytime they make mistakes but studying the fundamental principles of writing in a class-like environment at home will make them feel bored.
Teach Them How to Write a Relevant Outline
An outline helps the writer have a wide perspective on the topic, so if your child starts writing without an outline, they’ll only form a vague idea in their essay. This will happen because they won’t be able to follow a logical flow while writing, and the essay will not have a logical progression. Professional writing services create an outline and double-check with the client before they start writing. Encourage your child to act like a pro.
Allow Them to Research and Brainstorm Ideas
Your child probably won’t have enough information about the topics they are asked to write about, so they will have no idea what to write about either. The best way to solve the issue is by researching and then brainstorming. Let your child google the topic, browse for new information, and combine data from multiple sources.
Once they have fresh information in their mind, ask them to brainstorm new ideas for an essay topic. The objective is to write anything that comes to their mind on a board or a piece of paper, classify them, discuss, and then choose the best ones to write about.
Encourage Them to Read
Reading is the best and easiest method to learn how to write. If your child reads a lot, they are more in touch with complicated sentences, and their vocabulary becomes more expansive. After a short time, you’ll notice that they pick better words and make more complex sentences to add to their essays.
If your child isn’t interested in reading, use your imagination to find more creative solutions to encourage them to read. Have you ever tried buying a storybook they love as a gift? Audiobooks might also be helpful, so keep this point in mind too.
Check Excellent Examples
Your child can’t write professionally unless they read some well-written texts first, so take time to find some excellent writings. They might be available on essay writing service provider’s websites or magazines. Let them think and talk about the text they’re reading and ask questions.
Let Them Use Writing Tools
Although writing essays and doing college assignments is a boring job for students, today there are many tools that can help make the process a bit more palatable. There are many applications to help students find creative topics for their essays, and some apps help them check their writing for grammar mistakes. Others summarize the content to add a bright finish to their essay.
Be careful with these tools though. If your child comes to rely on them too much, they won’t be able to write anything on their own.
Encourage Practice
Practicing does wonders, so encourage your child to write as much as they can. The more they write, the better their writing will become. It is important to remember that writing needs no reason. You can make them write about a film or book they love, a game they always play, the music they always listen to, or their daily routine.
Never Confirm an Essay Before Proofreading
Almost all professional essay writers make grammar or spelling mistakes, or even typos. Your child is also bound to make some unintentional mistakes in their writing. Proofreading helps them edit these errors and improve their writing. Once they finish writing and proofreading, double-check their work, highlight their faults, and ask them to correct them.
Show your child that you care about their work, and you’re there to help them. This way, they’re open to asking for help. Listen to their problems and try to come up with creative solutions. Asking them to be independent all the time might not be a good idea, because they might search for alternative solutions, like online essay services.
Make Writing Fun
Writing will be enjoyable for your child if you make it fun. Have you ever thought of publishing your child’s writing as a blog post on a website, or turning their writings into a custom book? This way, they’ll be more motivated to write.
Bottom Line
Essay writing is crucial for all students to get top grades, but almost none of them have the necessary knowledge or skills to write well. As parents, you’re responsible for helping them learn this skill. You can easily show your child you care about their ability to write well by reviewing basic concepts of writing with them first, then helping them create a consistent outline, guiding them in writing the content, and proofreading it at the end. Also, try to find ways to encourage them to keep writing.
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