What makes an entrepreneur great? A great team? High-quality equipment? investments? Maybe, but some user-friendly platforms can also help your business. These PC programs and mobile apps will be helpful for both modern companies, like 22Bet or Netflix, and old-fashioned grocery stores.
Assistants in Solving Things
Things 3
Things 3 will help to collect all the tasks in one place, divide by category, and classify according to the degree of importance. This program allows you to add notes, tags, and subtasks. You can set tasks with a deadline, and they will be displayed in the “Plans” section, and tasks will go to the “Anytime” folder if they do not have the set time.
This application is for setting tasks for corporate use. You can set goals for employees, build kanban boards, and see progress in personal productivity charts. In the task, you can add notes and insert files of any type. The service supports basic computer and mobile platforms.
Money Management
Money Manager
Money Manager’s expenditure management will be useful if you have a lot of spending, and it is difficult to keep track of them. The application helps to distribute costs and income by category. You can follow the debts and see the available limit on credit cards. It is possible to automate regular spending and add photos to purchases. You can export data through the Excel table.
Promotion and Advertising
CallTouch is helpful for analytics and advertising management. It lets you collect all marketing costs in one place and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising. This program shows you where more customers come from and which type of promotion is worth investing in. Besides, it allows you to automate the routine work and leaves the time to solve more complex tasks.
This platform allows you to manage several social networks. With this program, you can make one-time publications on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Everypost helps you create and plan content (including visual) and share it. You can make deferred entries, follow the popular pages, and look for topical hashtags.
Communication With Employees and Customers
This platform is for creating chatbots and voice bots to help automate communications between users, customers, and company employees. The bots are collected in one window data from different channels: phone, messengers, chats in social networks, and emails. Voice bots will help reduce spending on the call-center employees. Text bots optimize the process of maintaining transactions and simplify communication with the client.
SurveyMonkey helps to collect feedback from company employees, customers, and suppliers and gives you access to high-quality analytics. The platform allows you to create and run polls that will help improve the product and the quality of interaction with both clients and employees. It is possible to use templates and send polls by mail, in social networks or through messages.
Working With Documents
The application that, thanks to autocorrect and automatic shift, allows you to take photos at the scanner level. The photo can be transformed into PDF, JPEG, put an electronic signature, and shared in messenger and by mail. CamScanner allows you to quickly digitize documents. It helps speed up the work and control multiple files.
Qlone 3D
This application is for 3D scanning objects and AR. It allows you to download a comprehensive image of the subject to the phone. This app is useful for product manufacturers who want to establish fast communication between employees and managers without the need for regular travel to the office or production. Scan results can be exported to various 3D file formats, there is an animation option.
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