Building maintenance is something that large enterprises spend considerable sums on, and devote an entire team to. Yet when your business is a small one, that’s just not the case, as you have neither the funds nor the employees. With a small commercial building housing less than a hundred employees, it’s necessary to allocate fewer resources to the tasks of building and grounds maintenance. So, it must be done with care and the acceptance that some tasks will need to be outsourced too.
Here are four commercial building maintenance tips to get you started.
Get Roof Damage Fixed Quickly
It may not be possible for staff tasked with handling building maintenance to get up on the roof and resolve the problem. For one thing, they may not have the correct safety equipment to make it safe to do, but it’s also a matter of whether this is where they should be placing their resources. Whether the issue is fairly minor or more substantial, it’s best to book an appointment with expert commercial roofers to assess the roof damage. They’ll be in the best position to assess the problem, confirm what action is needed, and provide a quote for the work.
Maintain the Grounds
The lawns, plants, and footpath are the things that visitors to the building see when they arrive. They need to be well maintained to create the right first impression. When you think about who the visitors might be, including an important new supplier, or a company that you’re trying to get on board as the next customer, then all the details matter. Get the lawns mowed regularly, clear the footpaths, and ensure the colorful plants remain healthy. With the footpaths, all of them, including the parking area and walkways from near the public road, need to be fixed if there are any broken paving stones. This avoids potential accidents with visitors tripping on company grounds, which could create a legal problem.
Keep Up with HVAC Maintenance
Specialist HVAC engineers are required for most of the work on an HVAC system. It’s sufficiently complicated with electronic systems thrown in that most company staff cannot be expected to maintain. Occasionally, there are minor actions that can be taken, but in most cases, it’s necessary to maintain a schedule of HVAC maintenance and ensure the appointments are met. That way, parts can be examined and replaced when needed, and the system checked for any major faults. Doing so avoids an expensive callout when the AC shuts down in the middle of summer.
Check on the Fire Control System
The fire control system should be checked periodically to ensure it’s working. Being diligent about this avoids finding out at the very worst time that there’s a fault and it won’t turn on. Faults can be a communication line in the system that has gone down, fire suppression sprinklers that aren’t functioning, or a fault with the software for computerized fire systems.
Not all repairs or maintenance fall on the leaseholder for commercial buildings. It’s important to look at the contract to see where the responsibility lies and to act responsibly based on those requirements.
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