Plastic pipes have been a part of our homes for ages and are the most reliable ones for DIY. Plastic pipes can be easily cut and assembled without needing any special tools. On the other hand, the old cast iron pipes and threaded galvanized ones are tough to cut down for getting the exact length. The smooth surface of plastic pipes makes it easy for water and waste to flow down. There are more tricks to improve the function of these pipes, which we will be disclosing in this article so that you can install these pipes without any trouble. For the best pipes, try LESSO water pipes fittings.
The installation process of plastic pipes in water drains is not very complicated if done correctly. First, you have to figure out the size of the pipe, the location, slopes, and other essential factors. In many areas or countries, plastic pipes have been banned, so make sure you are aware of such policies before starting.
Types of Plastic Pipes and Their Uses
There are commonly four types of plastic pipes used in the home, including ABS, PVC, CPVC, and PB.
The ABS consists of a 90-degree “L” joint and is mainly used in drains or vents in the sizes of 1-1/2 inches and 4 inches. The PVC tubes are wider white pipes with “Y” joints and are mainly used for vents. They are available in various sizes and can be joined with the help of a primer.
The CPVC comes with a reducing tee and is used for hot and cold water supplies with sizes one and smaller. Lastly, the PB tube is flexible and is joined with compression fittings. It is known for its flexibility and is commonly used in lawn or plant irrigation and connecting with swimming pool pumps.
Cutting and Fitting Plastic Pipe
The plastic pipes can be fitted precisely by molding them into enlarged ends. You need to be accurate with the depth and length of each section of pipe. Measure the length with a tape measure and mark the section before cutting it. Make the cuts at the right angles so that no problem occurs while joining. The interior gaps can make the flow of water slow and collect debris if your cuts are not made properly.
Use a Miter Box to Make Perfectly Square Cuts
Plumbers usually cut the pipes freehand because they have years of practice doing so. But individuals experimenting for the first time can use a miter box to obtain the perfect square piece. To do it perfectly, cut the pipe without chipping off by using half-round sandpaper so that the pipe can hub more precisely. Bevel the edges for smoother fits and remove the sandpapers. Now assemble the fittings and pipe without glue and mark the proper position. When joining it together, hammer the pieces together by tapping it. Glue the fittings three to four times, and don’t try to make it dry on the first attempt only.
Gluing Plastic Pipe
The gluing process is also known as solvent welding, where the solvents melt down the plastic when pushed together, and the pieces get fused while the solvent evaporates. Remember to buy the solvent most suitable for your pipes. The surfaces must be clean before being joined and free of grease, dust, or moisture.
Spread the glue all over the hubs and ends of the pipes and coat the surfaces which are to be joint. Spread some of the solvent onto primed surfaces and push both parts together by making a quarter twist. Now hold it tightly for fifteen seconds. Make sure to wear an organic fume respirator to avoid the potent fumes.
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