Don’t Divide and Conquer
When business owners think about marketing they often say things like, “We need a brochure, or a vehicle wrap, or a sign, or an ad, or a website.” They then proceed find a brochure designer, a vehicle wrap shop, a sign shop, an ad company, and a website company. Now their business is being given a visual presence by up to five completely different companies!
When you’re the boss, you’re the voice of the company. The message is consistent and the direction is clear. Employees thrive when there is clear instruction and can then do their jobs with certainty.
The same thing applies to the visual brand of your company. Working with a skilled design firm allows you implement the various elements of your marketing plan in a cohesive way. Consumers see a consistent message from your company and will begin to recognize your brand. A full-service design firm can design your logo, ads, brochures, vehicle wraps and website and give clear direction to vendors who specialize in things like printing, vehicle wrapping and programming.
Hiring a design firm isn’t just for large businesses. There are firms that specialize in design and marketing for small businesses. These firms understand the unique challenges of small businesses and can work within most budgets. In the end, what’s more costly, paying a designer to be your visual brand manager, or a disjointed, poorly branded set of materials that cause confusion or leave a bad impression on your audience?
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