Whether you are a start-up or an established business, the success of your business highly depends on how you treat your employees. Favorable working conditions translate to high employee productivity, which later turns to higher profits for your business. The workplace is known to be a strict and formal kind of environment. However, over recent years, employers are working harder to make the office a fun and stress-free environment. The thing is, too much strictness or too much casualness might be harmful to your business. Here are the common mistakes that employers make with regard to their employees and how to fix them.
Bad Communication
Effective two-way communication and transparency is the best way to make sure that you and your team are on the same page. There is, of course, some confidential information, but whenever possible, let your employees know everything regarding the business. This way, the employee will feel like a real partner and be more effective in their work.
It is also essential to ask your team members for feedback regarding the information you have given them. Allow them to propose their ideas and give opinions. If you happen not to implement one of their ideas, let them know respectfully why that is so. Better yet, encourage your employees to apply their views on the job.
Lack of Appreciation
Your employees might not be working as hard as you want them to, but they are working nonetheless. It is crucial in business to show appreciation to your employees for their hard work. Gratitude goes beyond the usual high five and other compliments that you might give.
A great way to start is by celebrating Employee Appreciation Day. It is usually an annual celebration, but you can choose whatever works for your business. There are several Employee Appreciation Day ideas that you can implement, such as giving out treats, allowing flexible work schedules, among others.
Not Promptly Responding to Issues
Conflict among employees in the office is inevitable. When disagreements between team members are ignored or stay unresolved, they fester. This can eventually lead to physical fights and other drama between employees. Employee engagement and productivity will then be affected, which is terrible for business.
As a leader, you should be quick to notice such issues. Additionally, you should ensure that proper measures are put in place for employees to resolve arguments. Training your employees and mentoring them in problem-solving can also help.
Employees work better when they are left to manage their work, time, and resources. Micromanaged employees are always nervous, stressed, and fearful. A stressed employee is an unproductive employee, and unproductive employees can make a business fail. You should be able to trust that you hired the right people for the job. Also, believe that you have given the proper instructions for the job to get done.
Employees who are given independence over their work tend to perform better. Try not to hover around your employees and tell the manager to lay off of them and see how it affects your business.
Failure to Listen to Your Employees
One of the most vital skill to have while managing people is active listening. Listening makes your employees feel valued and respected. Listening is an excellent way of showing your team that you care about what they think. This encourages employee engagement and enhances teamwork.
Active listening is a skill that you can learn and implement in the workplace.
Unequal Treatment of Employees
Having favorites in the workplace is not uncommon. As the boss, you know who works harder and better than the others. You know who makes the company more money and who doesn’t reach their sales targets. It is not uncommon for you to relate better with the ‘great’ employees, but it is crucial to keep the other employees from seeing a difference in the way you treat them.
If the other employees see that you have some people in the inner circle, it might cause hatred and jealousy, which leads to office drama. Drama affects teamwork, and consequently, lowers employee productivity.
Failure to Know your Employees Personally
Knowing your employees personally does not mean that you have to know everything about them. Having and maintaining a healthy interest in your employee’s lives can go a long way in business. Employees appreciate a leader who is sensitive and sympathizes with the events happening in their lives.
If you haven’t yet, then you better start getting to know your employees’ birthdays and where they go on vacation. This type of relationship will make your employees feel more like a friend, but without crossing the professional line.
Failure to Prioritize Company Goals
Setting standards and communicating your expectations in the workplace is crucial. Employees feel rudderless when everything is a priority. It will seem to them that you don’t know the direction in which the company is going or should go.
Avoid being too flexible and too rigid. Find an appropriate balance and provide your employees with clear direction on the way forward. This way, your employees will remain empowered, and employee engagement will not be affected.
Veto Decision Making
Don’t ask your team to give suggestions only to disregard all their input and go with your suggestion. Employees are not stupid, and they will eventually see what you are doing. Soon you will not see any employee engagement in brainstorming sessions. Your employees will lack morale in their work, resulting in lower productivity. Employees are empowered and motivated when they feel like they are part of the team. When you throttle them, your business loses.
If you want to retain your employees and empower your team, take a long hard look at yourself and see what you have to change from the above list and do it today. This might be exactly what your business needs.
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