A business leader has qualities such as confidence, persistence, and inventiveness, so these same qualities need to come forth on your business leader resume that you will present your candidature in the best possible manner.
In this article, we will give you an insight into the important features that will help you write a professional resume that has the power to achieve as much as you have as a business leader. By incorporating these pro-tips, you will have a resume that will take you a step closer to your dream job.
Curate an Effective Professional Experience Section
The main goal of writing a resume is to communicate your professional experience to the recruiters to make them recognize your skills and expertise in your field of work. This is why the work experience section in your resume is so important—it should give the recruiters an insight into your professional achievements and contributions to an organization.
Frame one-liners that create the cause-effect relations between your work and the role you played to execute the task assigned to you. Avoid writing paragraphs as that can make your resume look bulky and lead to the recruiter losing interest in your resume. Specify the highlights of your career by providing achievement figures, and bold these figures to make them stand out so the recruiter can notice them while skimming through your resume. Also, start every one-liner point with power verbs to have more impact on the professional statements that you are making.
To organize your framed points in the best way, create unique buckets and list all the similar points under the relevant buckets. You should also bold the highlights of your career to make them stand out for the recruiters to read and comprehend.
Business Strategies & Client Relationship Management
Leveraged long-term business opportunities by analyzing strategic relationships, alliances and partnerships
Supervised all financial and statistical records of documentation for complying with 100+ client specifications
As you can see through this example, the bullets are grouped under a relevant bucket, the one-liners are started with power verbs, and all the main aspects of the points have been bolded, including the achievement figures. You should follow the same framework while writing your resume. You can also learn more about framing action-oriented accomplishment statements espoused by Princeton University.
Label Your Resume with Your Real Name as the Header
Forget about writing “Resume” or “CV” to label your resume because it is obvious without you having to mention it specifically. Instead, use your name to give your resume its unique identity. Simply write your real and full name on the top-most part of your resume. This allows the recruiter to keep track of your resume, so your application is less likely to get lost in a sea of other resumes.
If you have a middle name, write only the initial of your middle name and place it between your first and last name. For example, if your name is Kiiara Glow Saulters then write it as Kiiara G. Saulters.
Provide an Accurate Profile Title
Honesty is the best policy and you need to follow that while framing your profile title in a Business Leader resume as well. Exaggerating your profile title will paint you as deliberately trying to cheat the recruiters and it may jeopardize your job application. If you are a senior in your profession then write your profile title as “Senior Business Leader”.
Use Keywords in Your Key Skills Section
Most recruiters rely on the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to filter through resumes and pick only the most suitable ones. To adapt to this, use keywords used by the recruiters to describe the job listing by going through the job description of the profile and pick out the ones that apply to you. Also, go through your professional experience section and pick the skills that you learned through your career and place them in your key skills section.
For example:
Make sure that every skill you mention has been justified in your resume, so you leave no doubt in the minds of the recruiters about your potential as a suitable applicant for the job profile.
Compose a Summary/Objective of Your Resume
Give an overview of your resume by composing a summary or an objective of your business leader resume according to your experience. Recruiters only spend an average of 6 seconds going through a resume so this is an important section to prove your eligibility for the job.
Compose a summary of your resume if you have more than three years of work experience. Otherwise, compose an objective for your less than three years of work experience or if you have gaps in your career. Make use of this section to intrigue the recruiters to go through your resume and give them an insight into your resume through your summary or objective. This section should be composed at the last step of resume writing as it is easier to decide what to write and what skills to add.
Provide the Details of Your Education
If you have graduate degrees or any higher level of educational qualification, it can help in the advancement of your career. This is because the recruiters can recognize you as a suitable applicant with the required level of knowledge and it will add value to your professional experience.
Mention your educational qualification in your resume by providing the details of the following.
· Name of the school/university attended by you.
· Name of the courses pursued by you.
· The location of your school/university.
· Your enrollment and graduation date.
No matter whether you are an entry-level or a C-level professional, there are certain qualities that every hiring manager looks for in their leaders. You need to make a professional resume that mentions those qualities clearly and concisely and the above-mentioned tips will help you craft a resume that does that exactly.
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