Maybe you have heard of it before: online piracy. It is the technological way of illegally copying and selling (or giving out for free) products and services of other companies. Originally, online piracy mainly happened with the illegal distribution of copied movies and CDs. People were able to copy these movies and CDs via ‘pirate bay’ or ‘uTorrent’. But technology has increased and we are living in a technological world nowadays. Therefore, a shift within online piracy can be noticed; it is not only about distributing illegal movies and CDs anymore, and there are more distribution channels than pirate bay or uTorrent. Are you curious about what platforms online pirates are utilizing nowadays? Read on!
Internet Marketplaces
You might know some of the most popular marketplaces on the internet, such as Amazon; eBay, and AliExpress. These marketplaces are popular places where individuals can sell anything they like, such as online documents, tangible products and even services. Nowadays, these marketplaces are a great distribution channel for illegal practices. Pirate companies sell illegally copied products without consent of the rightful owner. These products include documents, series, films but also duplicated products, for example a unique chandelier.
It has been a popular concept for years now: forums. People are literally posting anything they would like on forum platforms; asking for advice, asking silly questions, or even sharing jokes with each other. As you might imagine, there is a constant flow of people contacting each other, in which it is very easy for piracy companies to share products without consent from the rightful owner, since it is hard to check if that is happening.
Social Media
A last very popular platform to use for illegal practices is social media. You would not think of it, since social media is an open platform and therefore it would be very visible to see that such things and products are being shared, nevertheless, people are not aware (or are not willing to see) that they are making use or buying illegal products. Therefore, they still will use the links that are shared by the pirates; downloading a movie for free or buying the cheap (in this case) chandelier instead of the one created by the one who actually created it. And to be honest, why wouldn’t you choose the cheaper option if you are not aware of the fact that that product is illegal.
Get Help with Anti-Pirate Actions!
There are a lot of companies that you can partner with to protect your products against online piracy. Such companies are constantly tracking illegal practices. If it is necessary, they even do product, content, and DMCA takedowns.
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