Stress can lead to many things from physical health issues to mental breakdowns and from insomnia to drug abuse, which is more common than you think when people are suffering from high stress levels and need some kind of a release. If you are in Florida, for example, and your stress levels have led …

Entrepreneuring Articles and Interviews (category)
As an entrepreneur, you most likely wear many hats in your day-to-day work. Figuring out how to juggle all of the tasks you have to do, while still maintaining a life outside of work can be a challenge. Entrepreneuring articles focus on you, the entrepreneur, and how you can strengthen your areas of weakness when it comes to business and keeping a healthy work-life balance.
Considerations When Opening Up a Home Care Services Business
Opening up a new business in the healthcare field is a great way to help people and to have a successful business. There are plenty of business opportunities in healthcare. One of the most important areas where people need help is in the home care services world. So many people now are choosing to …
Four Ways Millennials Are Killing the 9-to-5
Millennials tend to get a lot of flack for many things that are wrong in the world. They're blamed for the student loan crisis and the decline in marriage rates. However, there are a lot of innovative ways the millennials have made a mark for themselves, such as having a work-life balance. As a …
How to Patent Your Business Idea
Patenting is the most important process when it comes to protecting intellectual property. There are people out there that will use your ideas as their own, so having the government protect your rights is essential. Not everyone is familiar with what to do when submitting a patent, so here is a …
8 of the Best Businesses That Veterans Can Start
After separating from military service, veterans often face challenges adjusting to civilian life. Most will need or want to find a job, but civilian jobs and the general office culture can be difficult for veterans to adjust to, especially for disabled vets. As an alternate career path, many …
5 Franchise Industries That Are Booming in 2019
When you’re starting up a business, you’re really taking the initiative on just about everything. From the fundamental concept of the business, to its core profit generation strategies, your vision is the foundation for all of that. Exhausting, right? Starting up your own business isn’t a bad …