One of the best ways to grow your small business is to be involved in your community. When you give talks at community events, it gives potential clients the chance to meet you and to learn about how your company can help them better live their lives. From school job fairs to Chamber of Commerce …
Entrepreneuring Articles and Interviews (category)
As an entrepreneur, you most likely wear many hats in your day-to-day work. Figuring out how to juggle all of the tasks you have to do, while still maintaining a life outside of work can be a challenge. Entrepreneuring articles focus on you, the entrepreneur, and how you can strengthen your areas of weakness when it comes to business and keeping a healthy work-life balance.
Pedaling Tourism: An Interview With Todd Sebastian of Off the Chain Bike Bus Tours
Businessing Magazine sat down with Todd Sebastian, co-founder of Off the Chain, a bike bus tour company operating in Sacramento, California, to learn more about his unique business and what it takes to succeed in the tourism industry. Todd and his business partner, Jason Blessinger, started Off …
Interview with Keith Dorman, Founder and CEO of Snap Dog, Inc.
At Businessing Magazine, we’re always looking to hear from entrepreneurs who are challenging the status quo and doing things differently. Keith Dorman of Snap Dog is one such entrepreneur. He is on a mission to elevate the average New York City hot dog from the “dirty water” dog people usually …
How to Start a Small Business Right Out of College
You’ve heard the horror stories about recent college graduates. There is an unprecedented amount of student loan debt and despite an improving economy, 10.5 percent of recent grads are unemployed (as compared with 8.4 percent in 2007). As the Economic Policy Institute put it in a May 2015 …
How Developing Your Writing Skills Can Make You a Better Business Owner
As a community college instructor, I often hear students complaining about required courses that are not related to their major. “I’m never going to use this,” they grumble about certain classes. However, I like to challenge students about how core classes can help them succeed in almost any …
Steps for Launching a Food Truck Business
The food truck business has more than survived its “fifteen minutes” of fame -- it is still growing. According to 2015 research compiled by Statistic Brain, annual food truck revenue in the U.S. is $1.2 billion, a number that has grown 12.4 percent over the past five years. Last year, there were …